Friday, May 27, 2011

God Glasses

I think we all have aspects of ourselves we would rather do without.  I know one of mine is having some intuition but then judging others based on that instead of loving them as I would want to be loved through that imperfection.  I can be a double standard.

I think we all have room to grow...whether we are 8 or 80.  God will never be done revealing things to us and making us whole as long as we dwell on this earth.  Hopefully, we won't be a stumbling block for others on their journey, but truly love them and be longsuffering no matter their "issues". 

I think I can get worked up over the faults of others, because I don't want my own to be seen.  Because I am prideful and think I know best.  How silly is that?  How can I possibly know what the right decision is for someone else?  When I step back and look at the bigger picture, I feel like a fool who just can't keep their mouth shut sometimes when I have no idea what I am really talking about.  I try to control situations so that no one gets hurt.  But do I really know what will and won't hurt another person or what is best for them?  Maybe it would be best for me.

I am humbled and laugh a little when God does this.  When he pulls me back so that I can see what is really going on.  When I am standing on a hilltop looking at the situation with a fresh point of view instead of with my limited tunnel vision.  He never ceases to amaze me or surprise me.  I was blind but now I see...with the more perfect vision of a more perfect being.

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