Monday, May 16, 2011

May 21, 2011 Rapture

Yeah, right.

That is what I have to say about the "prophecy" made that in less than a week the rapture will happen.  Hmm, has this man read the Bible?  No man knows the day or the hour...not even the Son!  C'mon, if that is true then the rapture certainly will not happen this Saturday.  What glory would God receive if it did?

The rapture will happen when God sees fit.  When God the Father has destined it to be.  It really infuriates me that people are succumb so quickly to "false prophets" like this man.  That he is gaining a following not only mentally and emotionally but financially as well. 

We need to be reading our Bibles and put faith in our Creator, not one of his creation.  We need to be in the Word and pray unceasingly for truth and not follow fallible men blindly .  Yes, I believe there can be prophecies.  I wholeheartedly believe God appoints prophets, but not prophets that blatantly refute the Bible! Prophets uphold scripture and bring light in darkness.  This man is creating fear, anxiety and just the opposite of how God truly brings people to himself.  He doesn't threaten them with deadlines.  He gives truth that sets them free.  He knows the human race so well, that he understands how a date of rapture would makes us act...just like the people that believe this supposed prophecy are acting now.  He knew we couldn't handle being given a date.  We would lose sight of what is important...Him, our hearts, our relationship with him.  We would focus on what we need to do to make it in the rapture...not on Him at all.

So, the Bible, pray and don't believe every so-called prophetic, anointed of God preacher that spouts nonsense.  Remember this when you are eating breakfast Sunday morning.

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