Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Common Sense

It's a good thing.  Right?  To use common sense when making daily decisions.  But, when is the point when common sense trumps divine insanity?  Can't we become so sure of our common sense and logic that the impossible that God is all about just seems like a fairy tale?

I believe that God wants us to use reason.  He is a reasonable God.  I do not believe he wants that reason to make us so confident in our own perceptions that we become full with presumptuousness.  We become full of ego and don't consult God at all.  No matter what the issue is, he should be consulted.  We should blister our knees to do and be his will, no matter how crazy that may be.

Have you ever prayed for something for such a long time, that your logic becomes your defense mechanism.  We always want our prayer to be answered in a God-like way, but as the days pass we seem to revert back to our logic.  We try not to hope too much just in case that miracle doesn't happen.  Satan sees his chance to throw some doubt in the mix and does so making things even more confusing.  When all the while, we just need to keep keeping on.  We need to keep praying that impossible prayer and keep believing.  No matter how long it's been, no matter how dismal the prognosis or dreary the road ahead looks, God can make all of that vanish in the blink of an eye.

I am praising God that he is so patient with me as I go back and forth in my mind about concerns he has perfectly planned out how to solve.  Having faith as tiny as a mustard seed moves mountains.  It moves the obstacles we see that just won't move.  I'm ready to plant that seed and watch God's plan grow.

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