Saturday, June 2, 2012

I've Got This Under Control

It's ironic how much I find my self saying I will take care of things but fail to realize I really am not.   I fail to realize God always has a plan.  He always has a way no matter how impossible it may seem to navigate.

I think of how easily it can be to stay in a place in our lives where we think we have things under control.  We think we can handle things alright when God has a golden door of opportunity waiting.  Behind it is the unknown, and true to human form, we find ourselves running back to the place where we feel safe.  All the while, God is saying, "I know you don't see the way, but I will make a way for you."  And once we take that first step, he provides the footing we need to cross into a place that he has for us.  Once we take that first step, it doesn't seem so scary anymore.  We may ask God where he is as we are traversing this unknown territory, and he says, "I am the ground beneath your feet.  I told you I would never leave you or forsake you.  Why would I now when you have walked by faith?"  He sees us safely to where he wants us to be and shows us there are more mysteries for us to behold if we continue to have faith.

If you are truly living the Christian life, you can never say it's boring.  I think of roller coasters.  Sometimes, you can't see what's ahead.  There are abrupt twists and turns, drops, ascents and plateaus.  If you get in your seat expecting the best and believing you're going to have fun, you most likely will.  If you get on in fear or because someone else wants you to do it, there will be disappointment.  If you have faith that you will be okay, the thrill is worth not having control.

We can get so wrapped up in what goes on in this world that the reality of it's brevity alludes us.  We want to feel safe so badly that we miss out on furthering the Kingdom here on earth.  If he says go, go.  You may not have the money or means right now, but if he is telling you to walk through that door, a way will be made.  Whatever the circumstance that is so insurmountable to the human mind, is a simple fix to God.  We cannot see the future, but he can.  We may not be sure how things will work out, but he does.  If he formed the foundations of the earth, can he not fix our little problems? We need to check our hearts and make sure we aren't letting golden opportunities to further the kingdom pass by just because we are scared.

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