Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Unanswered Prayer

How is it that when you're young and really know nothing, you think you know it all, and when you're older and know so much more, you really feel like you know nothing?  I guess that's the definition of wisdom.  It makes you feel clueless at times and grows your patience and faith.

I remember being a young woman entering my twenties and realizing that I did not have much wisdom at all.  This was a news flash to me since I was a know-it-all in my teens.  I remember praying incessantly for God to make me genuine and open my eyes to truth when I saw how the lack of these traits led people I admired to let me down miserably.

God answers prayer...and he keeps answering.  When we think he's done, he comes back with more of an answer.  When we have prayed that prayer a thousand times with a seemingly silent response, he has not forgotten.  Sometime in the future, we will realize he may have already answered or just waited until that absolute perfect time.  Then, we praise him most.  Then, we give him the glory.  Then, we glimpse a bit of heaven.

I know I have prayed things I don't think about again until it is answered out of nowhere.  He waits until the time is right, until our hearts are primed, until everything aligns.  I am so very grateful for a God, a King, a Father that loves me so much, he will make me wait for better than the best.  A God of great surprises and a God of great mercy.  He doesn't necessarily give us what we want, but he always gives us what we truly need.

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