Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Stainlifter

What is that one thing, or that string of things, that you never want anyone to know about you?  What is the thing in your past, or present, that will alter others' perception of who you really are?  We all have those "things" we hate to think about, to remember or even admit to ourselves really happened.  They are like a bad dream that seems to have become part of our memory.

But, what if we knew these things about one another?  What if we knew these things, and still didn't judge?  Is that even possible?  Can you imagine others knowing things you are ashamed of so much that you are in denial of them yourself?  What an unveiling!  What a feeling of nakedness.  Exposure beyond covering.

Well, it would definitely be humbling.  It makes me think about just how much we worry about the opinions of others.  If all was revealed, who would be left there standing beside of us in our shame, helping us to realize that is not who we really are?  What people would be there?  And do we realize that Christ DOES see all of that, and he has ALWAYS been there?  I know I don't.  I don't like to think he knows about and witnessed or witnesses the me that is mean and stained with sin.

The thing is...he loves us still.  He rinses us clean, tends to our wounds and keeps us warm.  He offers forgiveness and new life.  A clean slate and clean clothes.  It seems we walk around thinking others cannot see the stains.  We try to hide them in various ways.  It could be by overachieving to distract, or underachieving.  It could be highlighting some part of our personality that others will pay attention to instead of the stains on our clothes.  It could be staying busy.  Whatever the means, they are but an illusion compared to God's stain fighting power.  It doesn't matter what it was, how long it has been there, how it smells or looks, our Father makes it seem it was never there.  I am so grateful for that, because my secret stains are so bad that no human being could get them out.

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