Friday, April 6, 2012

An Easter Story

As the Easter eggs are painted, glittered and stickered, I wonder why we do so much with eggs this time of year.  I did a little research.  Many believe that eggs became so important, because they were not allowed during Lent.  Once Lent was over, people celebrated by breaking out the eggs.  For centuries, they symbolized life, and the promise of resurrection...there is more.  What has not been born, will be one day.  What is not seen, will be seen. It is a promise.

I wonder, if I were an egg, what would be inside?  What more is there to me?  We paint what's on the outside.  We clothe it and dress it up putting stickers on it to identify what we like, where we live, our occupations and other information we want people to know and admire.  These are our conversation starters and sadly, sometimes we never get past talking about these things.  What about the inside?  Are we readying the inside?

When Christ returns and/or I meet him face to face for the first time, I want what he sees when he cracks that egg, not to be some undeveloped goop.  I want to also see what all of this work has created.  I want to see it for myself in the end.  I want to stand there with Christ and marvel at what we have done together with his gift of my life.  That is why I keep working every day to nourish and protect his creation, because inside there is a miracle in progress.

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