Thursday, October 6, 2011

I Think I Can...

What lengths will God go to make us realize that though we try with all of our might, some things He just has to help us with?  It's like a small child trying to push a large boulder.  They may push and push convinced that they will make it move.  They may take a break and come back to try to move that rock, but all in vain.  You see, their determination may appear admirable, but it doesn't really matter.  They will never have the strength.  They are always going to need someone to help them.  They may think that if they just keep working hard and spend lots of time, that rock is going to have to move.  But the reality is...they need to move.  They need to move over and let the One that makes jobs like that seem effortless.  They need to relent and admit that all of their efforts are never going to be enough.

How relevant is that to life?! I am the Queen of deciding that I will just work harder and be able to accomplish the task.  It takes me forever to realize I was never meant to do this alone.  I was never meant to try to figure everything out.  I was never meant to take everything on.  Why did I even try when I clearly do not have the strength?  I guess it's the survivor in me.  I just push on, push forward so much so that I end up sick and exhausted.  I am humbled today.  God is teaching me to step aside.  He's got this.  I need to let him show me how he will make this mountain a mole hill.  I need to let him show me how this huge obstacle is really not that big when He's involved.  He will work it all out.

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