I was thinking recently about the uncertainty of life. And, I was kind of feeling in the dark. It seems there are times in life when you step on a land mine. It's out of nowhere. It's shocking on so many levels. And it changes your life.
I feel that way at times. I feel that I am just walking along my merry way, when BOOM! I am paralyzed from head to toe as I lay face down, stunned and bewildered by what has just happened. Have you ever been there? When you have no idea what is happening, but you know you sure aren't in Kansas anymore.
I know that the path was paved long ago. The dangers installed there were cleverly placed by satan. If we realize that Jesus is always beside of us, that may help. Then, we wonder why he didn't tell us what is ahead...now that can just be infuriating, until, we see that it's not about those ticking time bombs.
It's not about the pain inflicted by them. It's about the journey. It's about the calm, serene peace he gives during those times. It's about forming callouses where you've been hit, so that next time, you aren't as debilitated

It's the same with us. You cannot assume the road will be paved smoothly and no dangers will be there just because you are protected. God never said that we would not experience hard times and pain. He never said we would understand everything. He said trust him. He said he will always be there with us to teach us how to deal with our enemy. God protects us by educating us on how to handle these attacks, so that we can fight better in the future...for ourselves, for others, and for him.
A deer's best defense: identifying the smell of danger and fleeing. A Christian's best defense: detecting satan's snares and praying. Thank God he hears every word. Thank God for those heavenly embraces.
Great deer hunting analogy. It makes a lot of sense.