He is also one of the most sensitive dogs I have ever known. If Eric and I are fighting, he either puts his head down and slowly goes to hide or stands in the middle, looks back and forth at us and barks. Either way, it makes you want to stop making him upset. He has been there through difficult times to witness what no one else has. If we are upset, he comes to console us with his wet nose pressed against our faces.

His favorite weekend visit is to PetSmart. As soon as I turn to go into the shopping center, he starts pacing back and forth in the back seat. Every dog he meets is a friend. His nose stays glued to floor to analyze who and what has been in the store. The only thing he would be fine without is the cats that are up for adoption. He seems to sense that they don't like him, so he keeps his distance. He also visits his "grandparents" and other family members (human and canine) quite often. When we say their names, he gets excited to go see them. He is a happy dog that loves his family.

I can't imagine the last four years without him. There have been so many times little things he did cheered me up. When I didn't want to smile, I couldn't help it when I looked at him. I am thankful for my Bailey today. I hope for many more years with him, but if today were our last day with him, I would have peace. I know God's purpose for his life was to be with us.