My best friend is in town. I love spending time with her. I am so truly blessed to have God place a friend in my life that just gets me, and gets me completely. I don't have to explain myself and muster up any kind of strength to be around her. I am just me. No matter what I say, when others may not get my motives, she does.
It's like a breath of fresh air to have a girlfriend like that. It is amazing how two women with such different backgrounds are such good fits.
We have never been the kind of friends that have to constantly talk to one another to validate our friendship. I think that's because it is that secure. We know that although we may put on a smile for others and say what we are supposed to due to cultural mandates or expectation, we are absolutely real with one another. Years can go by without seeing one another, and it's as though nothing changed, though life certainly has for both of us.
That is a good thing. Even though our relationship is so easy now, there was a time years ago, when it was tested and tried. The lesson is that anything worth having is not worth having if it doesn't go through the fire and come out better, more pure and more stunning than ever.
I think of my relationship with my husband. Of course it is going to be tested more than any other and satan is going to try to destroy it...and he has during our short 4 years of marriage. But, satan never has the last laugh. He is really only making us stronger and more sturdy for the next attack. His master plans to keep me bound, and therefore Eric, have backfired numerous times. The power of Christ, the power of prayer, the power of our God thwarts anything he can throw at us.
I am very blessed to have people in my life that enrich me more than any material thing I could ever be given. The past few years have been a harvest of wonderful people and relationships that have enriched my life.
Grace and I were talking about what our 10 year plan was 10 years ago and how very different life turned out for us...but how glad we are it did. So, we talked about 10 years from now and what life may be like then. If our expectations were surpassed this decade, I can't wait to see what the next holds.
It's like a breath of fresh air to have a girlfriend like that. It is amazing how two women with such different backgrounds are such good fits.
She's Korean. I'm American. She grew up in Africa. I grew up in rural North Carolina. She learned multiple instruments and languages as a child. Yeah, I didn't. She had seen much of the world by the time she graduated from high school. I had never left the southeast. Yet, God knew our hearts and knew they were meant to support and love one another through this life.
I think God put Grace in my life to show me how to love better. It is so easy to love her since she knows me, gets me and accepts me. Others are not so easy to love, because it takes a lot of work. It takes communicating, explaining, pushing forward, and giving when it feels there is nothing left to give. Grace loves me the way I wish others would, but the world is not full of Graces.
That is a good thing. Even though our relationship is so easy now, there was a time years ago, when it was tested and tried. The lesson is that anything worth having is not worth having if it doesn't go through the fire and come out better, more pure and more stunning than ever.
I think of my relationship with my husband. Of course it is going to be tested more than any other and satan is going to try to destroy it...and he has during our short 4 years of marriage. But, satan never has the last laugh. He is really only making us stronger and more sturdy for the next attack. His master plans to keep me bound, and therefore Eric, have backfired numerous times. The power of Christ, the power of prayer, the power of our God thwarts anything he can throw at us.
I am very blessed to have people in my life that enrich me more than any material thing I could ever be given. The past few years have been a harvest of wonderful people and relationships that have enriched my life.
Grace and I were talking about what our 10 year plan was 10 years ago and how very different life turned out for us...but how glad we are it did. So, we talked about 10 years from now and what life may be like then. If our expectations were surpassed this decade, I can't wait to see what the next holds.
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