Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wherever You Are, Be All There

Time is such an elusive, cosmic, yet static phenomenon.  Are we ever truly present in the current moment?  Is that even possible?  With all of the memories housed in our brains and the concerns and hopes for the can time possibly stand still?

I'm not trying to sound like a smarty pants here.  No.  Not at all.  That kind of writing irritates me.  I'm just sitting here wanting to be present in this moment, but also very aware that it is probably an impossibility for me as a human being.  Yet, this also reminds me of how God is not limited at all by the existence of time.  The only time he was remotely constrained by it was when he walked this earth.

I just think that we can put so much faith in this time on earth that we mistakenly believe it is stable.  It's far from it.  Just because a clock is ticking, does not mean we are going anywhere.  I believe the most constant time is in heaven where there probably are no clocks or calendars.  It's the most present we will ever be, and I can't wait.  I can't wait for the limitlessness of what time spent will be like in heaven.