I'm new at being a Mommy, but there is one thing I have found that most of us Mothers have in common. Fear.
The Bible doesn't dedicate chapters to the anguish God the Father felt over his Son going through such brutality. No. It says he gave his Son, his only Son. He just did it. His son had a destiny, and so does my daughter. I pray God would give me the wisdom, strength and hope that can only be found in him when she faces trouble in this life. It is not my job to shelter her from pain if that is part of his plan. It hurts just to type that, but I know she is God's before she is mine. As I whispered to her a few minutes ago before she drifted off to sleep,
Mommy loves you. Daddy loves you. And God loves you as much as Mommy and Daddy love you combined plus a trillion times more.
My current fear is of my child choking on food since she will be starting solids soon. I fear leaving her in the care of others that are not family members. I fear that this big old world is going to hurt her precious little heart. I fear letting go. I fear seeing her in pain. I really fear letting her live her life. I don't want her to know heartache or disappointment. I want everything to be rose petals and sunshine every day.
I know the fear will be about different things as she gets older but with the same premise; that my child will not know pain. How can I expect this when my God did not spare his own, perfect, only Son? I think it is also about me feeling good and warm inside...because, if she knows pain, I know pain. That is the plight of a parent. Perhaps we complain about the pain our children face so much, because we don't want to feel it, either.
Mommy loves you. Daddy loves you. And God loves you as much as Mommy and Daddy love you combined plus a trillion times more.