Friday, July 12, 2013

Leave the Dishes in the Sink

     Fireworks of fireflies in these summer evenings seem to make time stand still.  I love standing on the back deck at dusk as the back yard is illuminated.  These tiny little bugs light up just as darkness enters.  Somehow, I hear their lights flash on and off by the edge of the woods.  I eagerly scan from left to right and back again with a half grin on my face.  I can feel the peace well up inside of me.  I breathe in deeply, and enjoy the show.
     Little moments like these are ones I never want to end.  I want to bask in the glow of the fireflies that come to visit me.  I want the sense of well being that washes over me as I watch them to keep bubbling up. I want the knowledge to resonate beyond that back deck that even the smallest creatures in this world have a purpose.  Why is it that once my feet step over the precipice back into the house, those silent lessons fade?
     There are a so many things that cloud the uncluttered state of mind the fireflies invite.  Reality bulrushes me.  My mind that was as clear as the sky on a crisp fall day just seconds earlier, is suddenly stuffed with thoughts and worries that mangle themselves into a heap.  Life summons me to get my work done, get my work done within my home, care for my husband and child while I do my work, and give to others.  All of this getting stuff done fills up my time, my life.  Firefly moments are what I hope to increase.
     I have decided to indulge in more of those moments with my family.  A beautiful, unplanned opportunity presented itself recently.  I watched my daughter become mesmerized as her Daddy strummed the guitar.  Her eyes were fixed on his fingers as the chords changed, and her little mouth hung open.  Our family sat in her nursery for those few precious moments creating a memory.  I will cherish that time and tell her about it as she gets older.
     Hesitation knocked when I thought of all that needed to be done that day, but I didn't answer.  I decided to forget about the dishes, leave the laundry unfolded, the report least for a few more minutes.  In the years to come, I will remember the harmony that day created.  I won't remember the house was dirty.  No.  I'll be glad I decided to leave the dishes in the sink.