Life, the part that is meaningful, is made up of those moments when someone we love smiles and also when they cry. It's feeling the breeze flow through your hair while listening to music in the car, doing a favor for a friend, being the listening ear for someone in need, talking to a stranger and making time to give when you'd rather not. Life is made up of little moments that we take for granted every day. Each minute we get to spend with those we love is a blessing. Each experience, good or bad, molds us. Making sure the house was clean, we made a certain amount of money, dressed a certain way, and the yard looked nice will not be the things that we reflect on in old age. We will remember our moments with others. We will remember the mountains and valleys, and think about how it impacted our lives and the lives of those around us. We will reflect on our decisions during those times, and we will thank God or mourn. We will look back and see missed opportunities, and hopefully pass on wisdom to those younger. Life is not about the promotion or size of our house. It's about those that make it a home.