Have you ever been in place where you think, "God, why am I here right now and what is the purpose of this?" I guess that's where faith comes in. We have to trust the One that made us and orchestrated the circumstances.
Sometimes I feel like, when I look at my life, I am looking at a mirror dripping with condensation. I can see a little bit, but squint and struggle to see clearly. There is nothing I can do to make it more clear. I just have to wait for the steam to roll away.
Trusting and obeying seem to be like oil and water. How are we supposed to trust God by obeying him to stay in a state of not knowing? It seems that trusting to stay in a state where you don't really understand only brings about exhaustion and questions as to what the point really is. What is God getting at? What is it that I need to learn so badly that he wants these circumstances that swirl around like a tornado to continue with no end in sight?
I guess it just comes down to living in the moment. Just live in that moment the best you know how not losing faith but pressing on. Live and do the best you can believing God will reveal all in his most perfect timing. He doesn't leave. He doesn't forget. He knows about every tiny detail of our lives and orchestrates them to create something unbelievable. He creates diamonds from the soot, but it's going to be an arduous process. Nothing of worth is made quickly...and that certainly includes the creation of a heart like Christ.
Sometimes I feel like, when I look at my life, I am looking at a mirror dripping with condensation. I can see a little bit, but squint and struggle to see clearly. There is nothing I can do to make it more clear. I just have to wait for the steam to roll away.
Trusting and obeying seem to be like oil and water. How are we supposed to trust God by obeying him to stay in a state of not knowing? It seems that trusting to stay in a state where you don't really understand only brings about exhaustion and questions as to what the point really is. What is God getting at? What is it that I need to learn so badly that he wants these circumstances that swirl around like a tornado to continue with no end in sight?
I guess it just comes down to living in the moment. Just live in that moment the best you know how not losing faith but pressing on. Live and do the best you can believing God will reveal all in his most perfect timing. He doesn't leave. He doesn't forget. He knows about every tiny detail of our lives and orchestrates them to create something unbelievable. He creates diamonds from the soot, but it's going to be an arduous process. Nothing of worth is made quickly...and that certainly includes the creation of a heart like Christ.